Wild & Wandering Co.

Fighting Fast Fashion —

Hand crafted with care, my leather goods are an investment. They’ll last you much longer than a store bought item, and quite possibly a lifetime or two if you treat them with care. Buying authentic leather goods from a real person means that not only are you getting quality & you’ll never have to call a corporate number, but you’re also choosing a better option for the Mother Earth.

Boutique Clothing

We carry western styles here, because it’s not a trend, it’s a lifestyle. We love timeless, but we hate boring. Our vibe is more like Western 🤝 Retro 🤝 Grunge.

I’m almost always at my work bench, crafting new items. Shop some of my favorite collections below.

And keep up with us on social media for updates, news, sales and to see behind the scenes of what’s going on.


Vendor’s Paradise

310 Scurry St. Big Spring, TX

Permanent booth location, open Monday through Saturday 10-5:30



Hill County Courthouse Square

Sat. May 11th 10:30am-4pm


Stunning Summer Community Festival

The Heart of the City Plaza Big Spring, TX

June 29th 9am-9pm